ASP.NET Blazor gives opportunity for .NET developers to develop Full-Stack interactive web application by leveraging C# sharp skills without using javascript. In this video we explore the functionality and capabilites of Blazor WebAssembly and create a modern interative full-stack web application to perfrom database operations like Create , Read, Update & Delete (CRUD) using Web API, Entity Framework and SQL Server database.
You will learn the following
- Build a Modern Web Application using Blazor WebAssembly Using Visual Studio 2022
- Entity Framework and Code First Approach
- Dependency Injection
- Introduction to Blazor Components
- Understanding of Blazor Assembly Project Structure
- NuGet Package Manager
- Entity Framework Migration Commands
- Blazor Components
- Blazor WebAssembly
- .NET Core RESTful API
- Custom CSS and JavaScript in Blazor Perform
- Database Operations like Create , Read, Update & Delete
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